There is no doubt about it, massage porn is very popular. Just give it a casual search in your preferred search engine and you will easily find several years’ worth of viewing material if you start watching massage porn back to back.
It’s totally a thing.
Please remember, just because massage porn is a thing, don’t assume every masseuse is offering sexual services. Just because massage is sensual doesn’t mean it is erotic.
Given the above, there is still something rather amazing about massage porn. Perhaps it is the sense of relaxation we get through watching? Perhaps it is the way that people are so relaxed and open to the possibility of sex? Perhaps is that massage is so sensual that one can’t help feeling it should work toward a ‘happy ending.’
Massage porn is usually consensual which is another reason it is so popular. It is seduction so that people are invited to the sensual joy of their own sex, and it often displays real orgasm.
All of this makes for some mighty fine visuals.